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Eat well or sleep well

“You can either sleep well or eat well.” Thus goes a popular saying in Wall Street, our textbook says. If you are wondering what this refers to, it is the classic risk-return tradeoff, a key concept of corporate finance. For any one who has done any kind of investment, this truism stands out the first time you talk about an asset-allocation plan.

My sleep gets troubled not only when I eat more but also when I eat less. But if I want more returns, I have to take more risks. This seems to be a simple enough motto – “No pain, no gain”. There is a twisted way of saying this – You win some, you lose some.” Whenever I hear saying you have to give up something to get something, I tell myself it sounds so hollow. If I have to sacrifice every time to achieve, am I indeed achieving it? One of our batchmates has a status message, “If I have to work hard to reach a goal, it means that I don’t deserve it.”

My expectations have been low. I am content to pluck the grapes hanging low even if they are sour. My efforts have been just enough and I have been trying to factor out risk as much as possible. Risk avoidance and a fear of uncertainty weighs prime to me. Keeping all these in mind, how can I eat and sleep well simultaneously? All the experts believe it cannot be done in the real world for a considerable period.

Categories: Me
  1. Me
    16 February 2006 at 9:10 am

    “If I have to work hard to reach a goal, it means that I don’t deserve it.�

    — puriyala spark…he doesn’t deserve it aa illa he is not capableaaa…if someone has to work hard then it means they cannot do it easily which means they dont have that potential…

    hey spark the comment box still goes under ur links…

    try adding the first comment am sure u will notice it…

  2. gopi
    16 February 2006 at 10:08 am

    “You can either sleep well or eat well.â€? I remember that you did both well when you are in guindy & bangalore. Hope that you still do them well even now…

  3. 17 February 2006 at 8:34 am

    Me, I’ll look into that next time when there are no comments. maybe, it’s a case with the 1st comment as i dont see any probs with the theme 🙂 as for the statement, it’s just a thought that if you are really smart, you don’t have to work hard!

    ipog, adhu eppdi vida mudiyum?

  4. 17 February 2006 at 5:30 pm

    life is like that when u want to get something u have to lose something…if u want to achieve ur goal u have lose other happiness until u reach it..
    “If I have to work hard to reach a goal, it means that I don’t deserve it.�

    —i dont think so….if ur working hard ur damn sure ur going to achieve it…..

  5. 17 February 2006 at 7:37 pm

    ammu, to each his opinion 🙂 nice to have you here

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